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Yogyakarta, 26/03/2024 - The atmosphere in the S2 Psychology classroom at Yogyakarta State University was filled with extraordinary enthusiasm as Prof. Zaenuddin, an expert in educational research from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, delivered a guest lecture on the fundamentals of educational research.
Attended by S2 Psychology students in a class taught by Prof. Dra. Yulia Ayriza, Ph.D., and Dr. Kartika Nur Fathiyah, M.Si., the lecture became an unforgettable learning experience. Prof. Zaenuddin discussed various research variables that are key to the educational research process, while the background issues raised provided deep insights into the challenges faced in the modern education world.
Prof. Zaenuddin brought his extensive experience and knowledge into the classroom, providing valuable insights into how to identify relevant variables in research and strategies for formulating relevant and significant research problems. The discussion not only focused on theory but also involved practical applications of these concepts in the educational field.
The guest lecture has become a significant moment in the development of students' understanding of the fundamentals of educational research. With the new knowledge they have gained, it is hoped that students will be able to become agents of positive change in the world of education.
Alamat : Kampus Karangmalang,Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : (0274) 586168 pesawat 411
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