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Yogyakarta, 24/08/2024 – Psychology Departement from Yogyakarta State University especially clinical division organized a mental health awareness event within the Ma’arif educational institutions. The event, held at the DPD RI DIY Building, centered around the theme of the Mental Health Dual Continuum and featured speakers from the fields of psychology and education.
Dr. Tadkiroatun Musfiroh, M. Hum., Chairperson of LP Ma’arif NU PWNU DIY, opened the event by highlighting the issue of mental health problems among students, such as juvenile delinquency, which has been prevalent in educational settings. This program aims to equip school counselors with the skills to conduct early detection of students who may be experiencing mental health issues.
Dr. H. Hilmy Muhammad, M.A., a member of the DPD RI DIY, also addressed the importance of raising collective awareness about mental health, especially among students. He emphasized that this issue is not solely the responsibility of schools and parents but of society as a whole.
Dr. Farida Harahap, M.Si., Chairperson of the Community Service Team from the Faculty of Psychology, UNY, delivered the main presentation on the Mental Health Dual Continuum, which discusses four categories of mental health, ranging from being mentally healthy to those struggling with mental illness. Participants were encouraged to recognize the signs of mental health issues and perform early screenings independently.
Nadya Anjani Rismarini, M.Si., a psychologist, followed with a presentation on stress management. She explained that one of the keys to managing stress is changing one’s perspective on stressful situations and the importance of maintaining balance through spiritual practices, exercise, and recreation. Simple relaxation techniques such as Breathing Relaxation and the Butterfly Hug were also introduced to the participants.
Dr. Kartika Nur Fathiyah, M.Si., a psychologist, discussed positive emotions and mental health, emphasizing the importance of recognizing students' emotions using tools such as the Emotion Wheel and the Feelings Thermometer, which can help teachers better understand the emotional state of their students.
Eva Rahman, M.Si., a psychologist, concluded the event with a session on gratitude. She explained how gratitude can enhance emotional well-being, reduce stress, and improve interpersonal relationships. Teachers were asked to write down their recent achievements, positive traits, and things they are grateful for in order to foster a sense of gratitude in daily life.
The event is expected to provide new insights and skills for school counselors in detecting and addressing mental health issues among students, as well as raising awareness of the importance of mental health in educational settings.
Alamat : Kampus Karangmalang,Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : (0274) 586168 pesawat 411
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