Department of Psychology Research Methodology Workshop

Yogyakarta, 26/07/2024-The Psychology Department of Yogyakarta State University held a workshop entitled “Research Methodology” which took place in Conference Room 1 of the Faculty of Education and Psychology UNY.

This workshop was led by Prof. Farida Agus Setiawati, M.Si., and Mrs. Nadya Anjani Rismarini, M.Psi. as the moderator. In this workshop, various important aspects of quantitative research methodology were discussed. UNY Psychology lecturers discussed to consider research topics by taking into account the accessibility of the subject, the availability of time, and the ability and skills of the researcher. In addition, emphasis was also given to the understanding of research variables that must be quantitatively measurable. Topics that are rarely discussed, such as control variables, mediators, and moderators, also receive special attention. Control variables are measured to eliminate unwanted influences, mediator variables bridge the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, while moderator variables strengthen or weaken the relationship.

The research problem is identified by looking for gaps in the literature. The relationship between variables can be two-way (correlation) or one-way (prediction) and consistency in the direction of this relationship should be maintained from background to discussion. Students are encouraged to be sensitive to empirical and theoretical phenomena and identify their research interests early on. In thesis writing, the order from Chapter 1 to the end must be carefully observed for the upload flow in the Final Project Guidance System.

This workshop also discussed experimental research, where the main focus is on the experiment itself, as well as classroom action research that focuses on the problem to be improved or reduced. In choosing a research problem, whether scientific or practical, it is important to identify and limit the problem to be studied. The problem identified can be negative or positive.

Finally, the importance of population and sample in quantitative research is highlighted, with an emphasis on accurate sample representation and the use of appropriate sampling methods. Quantitative research is expected not to overclaim in the discussion of results. This workshop provides comprehensive insights for undergraduate students to start and develop their research topics with a solid foundation, both empirical and theoretical.