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Wednesday (17/01/2024) - The Department of Psychology meeting at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) was held in the Moh. Amien Building, 3rd Floor, FIPP UNY Hall, attended by all faculty members of the Department of Psychology at Yogyakarta State University.
The meeting began with a speech from the Head of the Department of Psychology, Dr. Rosita Endang Kusmaryani, M.Si. She opened the meeting by reminding the faculty about the importance of accreditation from FIBA, IISMA, and collaborations or Memoranda of Agreement (MoA). In her address, Mrs. Rosita emphasized the significance of maintaining the quality of education in the Department of Psychology. Accreditation from FIBA and IISMA, as well as collaborations through MoA, serves as the primary foundation in maintaining the credibility and competitiveness of the study program. She expressed hope that the established collaborations with partners would not be limited to a single matter but would continue in the future.
The next session was led by Prof. Farida Agus Setiawati, M.Si., who elaborated on the Student Creativity Program (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa or PKM). She encouraged faculty members to guide students in following up on their research, with the hope of enhancing students' achievements at the national level.
After discussing PKM, the meeting shifted its focus to the accreditation of FIBA. Prof. Farida Agus Setiawati, M.Si., invited the faculty members to agree on the technical aspects of the report, with presentations from six groups per standard. This approach was considered an effective step to ensure the delivery of detailed and structured reports. Involving faculty members in the preparation of these reports would provide a more comprehensive overview of the achievements and potential of the Department of Psychology at UNY.
Alamat : Kampus Karangmalang,Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : (0274) 586168 pesawat 411
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