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Surabaya, 08/03/2023 - The Department of Psychology and the Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences (FIPP) at the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) have taken significant steps to expand the scope of education by initiating the establishment of the Faculty of Psychology. Deputy Deans 1, 2, and 3 of FIPP UNY, along with the Head of the Department of Psychology and Psychology Lecturers from FIPP UNY, conducted benchmarking activities related to the feasibility study for the establishment of the faculty.
The event commenced with a warm welcome from UNESA to the benchmarking team from the Department of Psychology at FIPP UNY. The team consisted of representatives from Deputy Dean 2 of the Faculty of Educational Sciences (FIP) at UNESA, the Curriculum Coordinator, the chair of the task force for establishing the Faculty of Psychology at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA), and lecturers from the Faculty of Psychology at UNESA.
The discussions led by representatives from both universities covered various aspects related to the establishment of the faculty, including the curriculum to be implemented, necessary documentation, required facilities and infrastructure, and staffing needs.
Subsequently, the team conducted a direct review of the facilities at UNESA. They visited faculty rooms, psychology laboratories located on three different floors, classrooms, student lounges, digital rooms, an auditorium, and classrooms spread from the 3rd to the 7th floor. The available facilities were deemed sufficient to support the learning and research processes in the field of psychology.
The event was then continued with a shared lunch and a photo session as a sign of friendship between the two universities. With these concrete steps, UNY reaffirms its commitment to continuously improve the quality of education in Indonesia, particularly in the field of psychology. The establishment of the Faculty of Psychology at UNY is expected to be a significant milestone in producing quality graduates capable of competing at the national and international levels.
Alamat : Kampus Karangmalang,Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : (0274) 586168 pesawat 411
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