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Yogyakarta, 01/03/2024 - The Department of Psychology at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) held an online discussion event titled "Opportunities and Challenges in Psychology Careers." The event was attended by students and alumni of the Psychology program at UNY who have successfully pursued careers in various fields.
The event, which began at 09:00 AM, was opened by the Chair of the Department of Psychology at UNY, Dr. Rosita Endang Kusmaryani, M.Si. She emphasized the importance of understanding the opportunities and challenges in the job market for psychology graduates.
The first speaker was Wancik Ridwan, a 2015 graduate of the UNY Psychology program, who currently works as an Adolescent Nutrition Consultant at UNICEF. Ridwan shared his experiences in facing challenges and leveraging opportunities in the field of adolescent nutrition consulting. The second speaker, Ayudia Kinanti, also a 2015 graduate of the UNY Psychology program, shared her successful experiences in the field of Human Resources. Kinanti emphasized the importance of psychological understanding in human resource management. The third speaker, Yoga Setyo, a 2018 graduate of the UNY Psychology program, shared his experiences in the field of Market Research. Yoga Setyo highlighted the importance of psychological analysis in understanding consumer behavior.
The event, which lasted until 11:30 AM, was attended by hundreds of participants via Zoom Meeting. This discussion provided valuable insights for students and alumni of the UNY Psychology program about the opportunities and challenges in the job market.
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Telepon : (0274) 586168 pesawat 411
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